Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Prime Time part 2!!!

Besides priming your face, you can also prime your eyes and lips. You can use lip primers, eye shadow primers, and lash primers to protect these parts of your face while also making the make-up you apply last much longer than expected. This may seem unnecessary, but primers can make a huge difference when applying make-up over them. Primers help to make the make-up last longer and keep those parts of your face protected from any damage that some products may cause your skin or lashes.

When applying eye shadow an eye shadow primer can make all the difference especially if you tend to have oilier eyelids. Eye shadow primers can vary in price and color, but when buying it really just depend on the type of look you are going for. When applying just use your fingers to pat the product onto your eyelids and allow it to get a little dry before applying any pigmented shadows. I personally recommend the Urban Decay Primer Potions (high-end) or the NYX primer pots (drugstore).

Image result for urban decay primer potion
Urban Decay Primer Potions

When it comes to priming lashes, I see the benefit of this, yet I never do it. Lash primers can help to do so many beneficial things, like strengthen them, prepare them for mascara (so they will not fall out if too much is applied), and condition them to be healthier. Though these primers are so nice and beneficial I can not find a good drugstore version of this that I can recommend. The only lash primer that I can recommend at this time is the IT Cosmetics Tight-line Mascara (high-end) which may not sound like a primer but it is. This mascara is to be put on before regular mascara to help with keeping your lashes healthy and perfect!

Image result for it cosmetics lash primer
IT Cosmetics Tight-line Mascara

Now finally, lets talk about lip primers. You may be thinking, "is she just talking about chap-stick??". No, I am not!! There are actually lip primers out there to help ensure lip color wear and to hydrate the lips while wearing lipstick for an extended period of time. You would apply a lip primer like you would a chap-stick or lipstick. Then you would apply your lip color of choice over the primer to ensure its wear-time and to keep your lips looking and feeling great. I recommend the Colourpop lip primer (drugstore) or the Bite Beauty lip masks (high-end). These both work amazing and can transform the way your lipstick looks and feels. 

Image result for colourpop lip primer
Colourpop lip primer
Hope this was helpful and informative!! Bye!!

*Makeup has no rules. Just tips and suggestions.*

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